Why You Need to Be Using Natural Insect Repellent!

During summer an effective insect repellent is so important! One choice is to choose a natural repellent that won’t leave you inhaling any nasty chemicals or parabens! Read on to find out how you can stay natural while keeping those pesky mosquitoes away!
Feb 17, 2020by
While Spring and Summer bring the promise of warmer weather, it also means that you will need to deal with those pesky flies and mosquitoes! Now before you reach for your usual supermarket brand insect repellents to protect yourself and your family, did you know that there are a whole lot of natural alternatives which actually work? I wanted to share my experience with using natural insect repellents and some of my favourite products to hopefully inspire you to give one a go!

Why should I use natural insect repellent?

Before I started Nourished Life, I must admit, I didn’t think twice before using insect repellent. I would slather myself in the stuff just to keep the mozzies away!

If you’re like me, then you’re always on the lookout for ways to reduce your family’s exposure to unnecessary chemicals. I started doing some research into what was actually in insect repellent. The chemical most commonly known as DEET is used in most of the non-natural insect repellents available on the market.

Natural insect repellent options

Biologika Bug Another Insect Repellent Spray
So what natural alternatives are there on the market and do they actually work? I personally love the Biologika Bug Another Insect Repellent Spray. This simple to use spray not only smells delicious unlike those un-natural alternatives, but the clever blend of essential oils such as organic citronella, lavender, lemon myrtle and aloe vera may help keep the bugs away while creating a light film over your skin which protects it while you are exposed to the elements!

Bug-grrr Off Natural Insect Repellent - Jungle Strength Formula Spray
This is a very long lasting spray, so you don't need to be reapplying it all the time, around every 6 hours is enough. Designed for hot and humid "Jungle" like conditions and to repel lots of different types of insects, including mosquitoes, sand flies, black flies, and midges this one's main ingredient is Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, which is a deliciously fresh citrussy scent. This highly rated spray; Bug-grrr Off Natural Insect Repellent is rated very effective by our customers.

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What happens if I get bitten?

Weleda Burns & Bites Cooling Gel
So you’ve put on insect repellent but still happen to get bitten? Never fear! There is a natural alternative which will take the sting out of any bite! Weleda Burns & Bites Cooling Gel made from ingredients including Echinacea, Aloe Vera, Arnica and Nettle, does an amazing job of reducing the itchy and burning session which comes after a bite. Simply apply a thin layer over the irritated spot every 2 to 3 hours for instant relief!

Ouch! Instant Herbal Sting Relief
Ingeniously designed to fit in the smallest pocket, this credit card sized spray smells fantastic with essences of Peppermint, Lime and Clove. This is a Five Star product so check out the reviews and see what our customers say about this little gem!

If this post has you inspired to consider natural remedies for yourself and your family, then make sure you check out this blog post I did on How to Build a Natural Medicine Cabinet!

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