Understanding Prebiotics and Probiotics

What are prebiotics and probiotics? How are they different? Turns out these friendly bacterias are crucial to your health and immune system! I’ve answered all your burning questions - so read on to learn how easy it is to include pre and probiotics into your diet!
Feb 17, 2020by
Do you know what the difference is between prebiotics and probiotics? If you’re like me, I’m sure you’ve heard these buzz words and how they are important for your health, but might not be sure why your body needs them to lead a Nourished Life! So naturally I wanted to write this blog post to explain the difference between the two and share some amazing products with you that are filled with both prebiotics and probiotics!

What is the difference between prebiotics and probiotics?

Probiotics are friendly bacteria that are essential in maintaining a healthy digestive system and boosting vitality. They support our immune system making sure we are protected from getting sick! The levels of probiotics in your body are also closely linked to that all important area of gut health. If you want to know more about gut health, check out this blog post I have written about it!

So wondering where probiotics can be found? Look no further than your fridge or pantry! Probiotics are in everyday foods like yoghurt, aged cheese, sourdough bread and other fermented produce.

Prebiotics on the other hand are carbohydrates our bodies can’t process, that become fuel for probiotics. The more prebiotics your probiotics get, the better your health will be! They are found naturally in foods like onions, legumes, garlic, bananas and asparagus. Prebiotics are also often used as a replacement for fat and sugar in processed foods to increase fibre and probiotic health.

Making sure your diet is rich in both pre and probiotics is essential for maintaining good digestive health and wellbeing and making sure your immune system stays strong! They will help to produce good bacteria in your body and maintain overall health and wellbeing, both excellent reasons to try some of these products below!

Where can I find prebiotics and probiotics?

While making sure you eat a pre and probiotic rich diet is good in theory, the reality is, we are all rushing around every day try to keep up with our busy lives that we can’t always consume all the pre and probitics we need! Never fear! Here at Nourished Life we have sourced a range of incredible products packed full of pre and probiotics you can use to supplement your diet, to ensure your body gets all the pre and probiotics it needs to be at optimum health!

Carla Oates’ The Beauty Chef range is an amazing assortment of inner and outer beauty products based on naturally fermented wholefoods and probiotics, designed to rebalance your digestive system.

One of my favourite products from the range is the Glow Inner Beauty Powder. If you want your skin to look glowing and fresh then this is just the thing for you! This naturally fermented wholefood and probiotic powder may help to nourish and enhance your skin from the inside, helping you to glow on the outside! It contains a carefully selected range of certified natural and organic skin loving superfoods, vitamins and antioxidants to help your skin function at its optimum. Just stir a teaspoon into a glass of water for the ultimate prebiotic and probiotic boost! Too simple!

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If your body is in need of a detox, give The Beauty Chef Cleanse Powder a go! This prebiotic and probiotic supplement detoxifies and purifies your inside which will boost your energy levels and make you glow on the outside! It works by removing toxins from your body with superfoods such as spirulina, chick peas and pea powder and replaces it with essential goodness such as broccoli, beetroot and kale. It also comes with a free 14 day cleanse e-program to help get your body on track!

As the weather warms up, it’s important to make sure you are hydrated. For skin that really glows, give your system a hydration boost with The Beauty Chef Hydration Inner Beauty Boost! This probiotic supplement improves the health of your gut as well as making your skin more radiant and refreshed. It also aids in blood circulation and works hard to reduce fine lines and wrinkles! Organic ingredients including coconut water, aloe vera and lemon myrtle are combined using a revolutionary fermentation process designed to extract the best from them. This creates a potent, hard-working supplement that will benefit your body no end! Simply dilute 15mls of elixir in 200mls of water daily and you are on your way to better health!

For a probiotic hit in your beauty regime, I love the Probiotic Skin Refiner by The Beauty Chef. It’s a skin exfoliator containing probiotics which may help hydrate, balance and boost the collagen in your skin. Probiotics play a huge part in the beauty of your skin and breaking down old skin cells to leave you nourished on the outside! The Lactic Acid in this exfoliator plumps and moisturises your skin, ironing out any pesky fine lines while also lightening skin spots, alleviating roughness and firming sagging skin. It may also help improve cell turnover, refine your skin and strengthen its natural barrier. When used regularly, your skin should soon look brighter, younger and glowing!

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Amazonia also do an amazing range of superfood products packed with pre and probiotics which will give you more energy, helping you lead a healthier and happier life! A simple way to include pre and probiotics into your morning routine is to sprinkle some of the Raw Pre-Probiotic powder by Amazonia onto your breakfast cereal! This natural powder contains over 13 different organic probiotic strands and billions of prebiotics, all working hard to prevent uncomfortable conditions such as bloating and indigestion and helping you achieve optimum health!

The Amazonia Raw Greens is one of the most comprehensive green-specific formulas on the market. This prebiotic boost is made from natural and organic superfoods that will give you increased energy, balance your body’s pH and aid detoxification, helping you lead a Nourished Life!

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