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Nourished Life stocks wonderful high-quality, vegan body brushes, as we recognize that dry body brushing is one of the best things you can do for your skin. It's like a super exfoliator for the outside and an intense health kick for the inside. There are so many wonderful health benefits of this simple daily ritual. Regular body brushing works the lymphatic system, helping to increase circulation, detox the body, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Not only will you feel energized, but you will also get rid of the dead skin cells that leave skin looking dull. The result? Gorgeously smooth, glowing skin!
We also have a delicious range of natural body scrubs to scrub away dead skin cells and nourish the body with natural oils. Massage into the body while in the shower to reveal smooth, soft skin! Need a little help getting rid of the last of that organic fake tan? Try one of our exfoliating gloves to remove old tans and prep your body to ensure even fake tan application and smooth skin. The caffeine in our natural coffee scrubs can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, while our activated charcoal scrubs contain a blend of ingredients that promote circulation and purify the skin.