The Link Between Gut Health and Skin

If you've had both ongoing gut troubles and skin problems, the two could actually be more closely linked than you might think. In this next blog, I've explored how your gut health can affect your skin and how you can get it back on track.

Jun 04, 2021by Irene Falcone

The skin has long been viewed as an indicator of internal issues and possible bodily imbalance in nutritional science.1 In traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, techniques like face mapping are used to analyse skin problems concerning gut issues, indigestion and intolerances, often revealing underlying digestive concerns.2 Natural health supplements are designed to support digestive function and help rebalance the gut to restore good bacteria levels, which may help improve the skin and decrease the frequency of breakouts.

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How does gut health affect the skin?

Sometimes when skin conditions do not respond to skincare treatments, the source of the issue may actually be in the gut.3 Gut problems and indigestion can actually affect the way your body retain nutrients found in your diet. This can lead to poor nutrient absorption and potentially exacerbating existing skin conditions.3

A healthy gut and digestive system can help improve these common skin conditions by ensuring nutrients are correctly absorbed, but what defines a healthy gut? According to scientist and author Giulia Enders, the gut contains a wealth of good bacteria, which needs to be adequately supported to limit the growth of harmful bacteria. Without this balance, our immune system has to work harder to keep us healthy, making it essential to support good bacteria with probiotics and fermented foods to ensure healthy body function and general wellbeing.

How to improve gut health

On top of drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and trying to minimise everyday stress as much as possible, eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in fibre is incredibly important for maintaining gut health.3 According to Lee Holmes, founder of Supercharged Food, there are plenty of methods for maintaining gut health. Firstly, limit dessert! Even if you're opting for raw, refined-sugar-free options, the nuts found in many raw desserts can sometimes be too harsh on the gut, causing pain and irritability. Lee also recommends limiting milk consumption, yoghurt and soup, containing additives, thickeners, stabilisers and emulsifiers that cause excessive gas and bloating. Finally, cleanse the gut often by incorporating easy to digest foods into your diet.

According to Carla Oates, founder of The Beauty Chef, an upset digestive system can often trigger or worsen acne, inflammation and rashes. Caused by consuming too many processed foods, sugar or alcoholic drinks. To rebalance your gut health, limit your consumption to avoid overloading the gut. A supplement rich in vitamins, minerals and probiotics can also help support digestive function.

Natural gut health supplements

Supercharged Food Love Your Gut Powder

Ideally taken daily, the Supercharged Food Love Your Gut Powder can gently sweep the gut of impurities and build-up through the cleansing properties of Diatomaceous Earth. Antibacterial and anti-fungal, this refined, tasteless powder can be added to your daily juice or smoothie to help clean out toxins in the digestive tract. The benefits of a cleaner digestive tract include a digestive system that can more easily absorb water and nutrients to help increase your energy levels. Diatomaceous Earth also has the added benefit of being high in Iron, which can help fight tiredness and fatigue.

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The Beauty Chef BODY Powder Vanilla

Another great addition to your morning smoothie, The Beauty Chef BODY Powder Vanilla contains a delicious blend of plant proteins, Matcha Green Tea, alkalising greens and antioxidant-rich fruit and veggies to help boost your metabolism and promote healthy digestive function. With high levels of Vitamins C, K and D, fibre and pre and probiotics, this vegan supplement helps bring the body back into balance by delivering essential nutrients and assisting healthy gut bacteria. With a light vanilla taste from Organic Vanilla Bean, I love adding one to two scoops to my smoothie, porridge or muesli in the mornings to give me a boost of energy and help balance my appetite.

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Edible Beauty Tea No. 1 - Green Goddess Detox

A cleansing, detoxifying and energising pick-me-up, the Edible Beauty Tea No. 1 - Green Goddess Detox contains St Mary's Thistle, Schizandra and Dandelion Root to help remove toxins. Schizandra is profoundly calming to help you fight back against stress. Designed to aid metabolism and relieve discomfort, this delicious blend will rehydrate you after a night's sleep and get you ready to face whatever the day has to throw at you.

Earths Purities Repair From Within Organic Diatomaceous Earth

Superfine, organic and untreated, the Earths Purities Repair From Within Organic Diatomaceous Earth is designed to help cleanse and detoxify the body. Rich in Silica, a trace mineral needed in many body functions, Diatomaceous Earth is also known for its ability to internally purify the body and help remove heavy metals, harmful organisms and intestinal bacteria from the digestive tract. Add one tablespoon once or twice a day to water, juice or smoothies, ensuring you stay hydrated throughout the day.

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Amazonia Raw Prebiotic Women's Multi

Specially formulated to support women's daily health, the Amazonia Raw Prebiotic Women's Multi contains a rich blend of gut-friendly whole foods, prebiotics, herbs and fermented ingredients packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. With a superfood blend including Beetroot, Spirulina, Chlorella and Acai, this caffeine and gluten-free supplement also contains prebiotic Jerusalem Artichoke Root Extract and nutrient-rich fermented seeds to promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut and boost digestion. Vegan, Certified Organic and soy-free, mix 2 heaped teaspoons daily in water, almond milk, yoghurt or cereal to help support digestive health, prevent fatigue and promote physical wellbeing.

Sources: Women's Health, Women's Health & Fitness, The Huffington Post, The Sydney Morning Herald.

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