Restoring Our Earth with Ere Perez

Living in the modern world, we are aware of the effects of our actions on the planet. What we do, what we buy, where our food comes from, and how we invest our time and our money. It can be overwhelming to try and make a positive impact when the challenges feel so big. Now, more than ever is time to slow down and check in with ourselves to make sure we are making conscious choices. The power of each one of us to make small daily changes that help the earth can not be underestimated!
Apr 27, 2021by Nourished Life
This year, the theme of Earth Day is ’Restore Our Earth’. It is a great reminder about the work it will take to restore the balance between humans and the earth. It is a call to action for all of us ’ for individuals, businesses, governments ’ to put the earth first in April.

At Ere Perez, sustainability is at the core of what we do. Since our inception in 2002, we have made so many decisions with the environment in mind. As technology and awareness change and grow, each year we reinvent our brand to be more ethical, eco, and earth-friendly.

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As a consumer, you can make a multitude of decisions in your daily life that support our earth, including ’ getting your takeaway coffee in a keep-cup, taking reusable bags to the grocery store, making sure you are recycling correctly at home, buying local where possible, composting food waste, purchasing upcycled clothing and avoiding fast fashion, switching off lights when they aren’t needed, collecting shower water for the garden, planting veggies and native plants in your garden/balcony space, sharing items for kids with family & friends instead of buying new. There is so much we can do to consume less and avoid waste, and each action make a difference!

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Another powerful way is to support brands that are eco-conscious. When we shop, our money is a vote towards values, so let’s make sure our buying power is used in the right places. Choosing brands that have certifications, natural formulas, and minimal packaging is a great statement that inspires companies to do better! Here are some things to look out for when shopping that can give you confidence that a brand is environmentally aware:

Carbon Neutral
We have been certified carbon neutral by The Carbon Reduction Institute since 2016. The greenhouse emissions produced from our operations and services have been calculated. This amount has then been offset with the purchase of carbon credits channeled to a wind energy project in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.

The greenhouse emissions produced from our operations and services have been calculated. This amount has then been offset with the purchase of carbon credits channeled to a wind energy project in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Wind power, harnessed through turbines, is an alternative to burning fossil fuels and produces no greenhouse gas emissions.

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Global Compact
We have joined the UN Global Compact & are committed to the Sustainability Principles. This commitment means we try our best to make the most ethical decisions that consider the social, human rights and environmental implications of our operations. This voluntary standard is leading the way in ethical and sustainable business practice.

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We wish you a happy earth day ’ why not plant a tree or a herb you love. Small actions by many people can change the world.

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