The Benefits of Collagen Powder

Collagen. We’ve all heard of it, we’ve likely heard that it’s great for the skin, but what does it actually do? And how can we work it into our beauty routine? The word ’collagen" has become synonymous with a healthy skincare routine and, for that very reason,[collagen supplements], powders and inner beauty boosters seem to be popping up everywhere. If you want to work a little collagen into your daily routine, read on for our tips on choosing the best possible collagen supplement for you.
Apr 20, 2021by Nourished Life
What is collagen?

Collagen is so much more than a skincare ingredient. It’s actually the most abundant protein in your body, and not just any protein- it’s a structural protein that’s found in your body’s connective tissue, helping to maintain your body’s structural integrity.

This is why collagen is so important for skin health. Our collagen stores naturally begin depleting as we reach our late 20s, leading to loose skin, fine lines, wrinkles and overall dryness.

What is a collagen supplement?

An ingestible collagen supplement, like a collagen powder or elixir, can help to slow down that collagen loss and help boost your body’s natural production of collagen. Consuming a natural collagen powder daily can help to support hair, skin, nails, joint and digestive health, and most can simply be mixed into smoothies, juices and even water.

There are different types of collagen available, so to really reap the benefits it’s important to choose a collagen supplement with the best type of collagen for your skin. Marine collagen is most suitable for the skin as it contains primarily Type 1 collagen, which is the most similar to the collagen in our skin, hair and nails, so look for a collagen powder that contains collagen from a marine source.

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Nourished Life’s new Wild Marine Collagen contains one of only a few collagens that come from wild fish, sustainably harvested from the clear waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. Our wild marine collagen is superior in absorption and bioavailability due to its low molecular weight. Collagen found in foods often comes as long fibres, which are difficult for the body to absorb. The natural process of creating Nourished Life’s Wild Marine Collagen peptides delivers a fine powder containing absorbable type 1 collagen, rich in amino acids, which are the building blocks of healthy skin. Where many collagens are created using hard acids and chemicals and come from farmed fish that are raised in unsanitary conditions, our collagen comes from sustainably caught Norwegian cod that is both pure in source and completely traceable- right down to the individual fishing vessel!

What should you look for in a collagen powder?

It’s worth looking for a collagen supplement that contains even more skin-loving ingredients than collagen alone. In addition to collagen, the Nourished Life Wild Marine Collagen Powders in both Unflavoured and Super Berry contain prebiotic fibre, which helps to grow good bacteria in our gut, and organic marine minerals from red seaweed, containing 74 trace elements and minerals. The Super Berry Collagen has already become a favourite amongst the Nourished Life team, as it contains a range of high antioxidant superfoods including açai, goji, blueberry, pomegranate, elderberry, strawberry and raspberry. This particular powder also has an ORAC measurement of >50,000 mol/100gm, which means it is a genuinely healthy super fruit blend and highly rich in antioxidants.

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The Mukti Bioactive Collagen Booster includes a combination of carefully selected and scientific-based ingredients such as Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Astaxanthin, Resveratrol and Aloe Vera as well as Jerusalem Artichoke for its prebiotic properties.

Shop our full range of natural collagen and inner beauty supplements online now.

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