Everything You Need to Know About Oil Pulling!

What is oil pulling? It’s a fantastic technique that whitens teeth, cleans the mouth, all while making you and your body healthier! Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about oil pulling benefits and how to start oil pulling today!
Aug 04, 2021by Irene Falcone
Have you ever tried oil pulling? Wondering what on earth oil pulling is? I don’t blame you, it sounds a little strange! Oil pulling is an ancient natural dental practice that uses specific oils, including sesame and coconut oils, to naturally whiten teeth and remove any nasties from your body through your mouth.

But what is oil pulling, and what are the other oil pulling benefits?

What is oil pulling?

The ancient technique of oil pulling uses oil to detoxify the body and promote dental health. It involves swishing oil around the inside of your mouth each morning on an empty stomach. Oil pulling draws out bacteria and impurities while cutting through plaque and whitening teeth.

How does oil pulling work?

Follow these easy steps to learn how to begin oil pulling! For optimal oil pulling benefits, make sure you do this in the morning before eating or drinking anything.

Step one: Choose a good quality organic oil - one with Coconut Oil or Sesame Oil is best.

Step two: Put 1 tablespoon of the oil into your mouth.

Step three: Swish the oil around in your mouth for 5-15 minutes. This may seem like a long time, but 15 minutes is actually the perfect amount of time for the body to break through bacteria and plaque! It’s also the ideal amount of time to ensure you don’t absorb those nasties back into your body.

Step four: Spit the oil out! After 5-15 minutes the amount of oil will almost double in size and become a creamy white colour. Make sure you don’t swallow this oil because it’s full of bacteria, toxins and plaque.

Step five: Rinse your mouth out with warm water to remove any oily residue.

Step six: Brush your teeth! I recommend using this refreshing Weleda Salt Toothpaste. Afterwards, scrape your tongue and you’re ready to go!

Why should you be oil pulling?

Oil pulling offers several benefits: whitening teeth, increasing energy levels, preventing cavities and gingivitis, and strengthening teeth and gums. Oil pulling techniques can also help detoxify the body, support hormonal changes, reduce headaches, lessen jaw pain and even alleviate hangovers. On top of this, if you suffer from any skin problems like acne, keratosis pilaris, or mild forms of eczema, then oil pulling may also help to soothe these conditions too by ridding the body of potential toxins, bacteria and build-up.

Oil Pulling’s Powerful Detoxifying Effect

Dr Bruce Fife, nutritionist, naturopathic physician and author of 'Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and Healing the Body Through Oral Cleansing', has said, "As simple as it is, oil pulling has a potent detoxifying effect."

’Our mouths are home to billions of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites and their toxins. Candida and Streptococcus are common residents in our mouths. These germs and their toxic waste products cause gum disease and tooth decay and contribute to many other health problems, including arthritis and heart disease.

Our immune system is constantly fighting these troublemakers. If our immune system becomes overloaded or burdened by excessive stress, poor diet, environmental toxins and such, these organisms can spread throughout the body causing secondary infections and chronic inflammation, leading to any number of health problems."

Naturally Flavoured Oil Pulling Mouthwash

I think we can all admit that oil doesn't taste that great, especially when it's been swishing around your mouth for fifteen minutes! Thankfully I discovered naturally flavoured oil pulling mouthwash that offers all of the benefits of plain sesame or coconut oil, with a naturally refreshing taste! I find that the best time to try oil pulling is when you're getting ready in the mornings. This could be in the shower or when you're getting dressed or even when applying makeup. I recommend oil pulling before you brush your teeth and after you have scraped your tongue with a tongue cleaner!

Black Chicken Remedies Oral Swishing Oil
If you like a minty fresh taste in the morning then I suggest you try the Black Chicken Remedies Oral Swishing Oil, a refreshing blend of Peppermint, Cardamom and Myrrh in a base of natural oils including Coconut, Sesame, Sunflower, Hemp, Castor and Avocado. Antibacterial and antiviral, this formula works to draw out build-up, freshen breath and thoroughly clean teeth. Australian made, gluten-free and vegan, this makes an ideal detoxifying treatment each morning after tongue scraping. Swish one tablespoon for 10-20 minutes, before spitting it out.

Dr Tungs Oil Pulling Concentrate
Prefer Sesame Oil pulling? An ancient Ayurvedic formula, the Dr Tungs Oil Pulling Concentrate contains 24 different herbs and botanical ingredients in a Sesame Oil base, designed to help strengthen gums, alleviate dry mouth and support good oral health. Conditioning and detoxifying, this balancing blend is made in the USA and has a fresh flavour from Wild Cherry, Cardamom, Licorice and Cinnamon. Place one tablespoon in the mouth and swish around for at least 5 minutes before spitting out.

If you prefer a more traditional organic plain Coconut Oil for oil pulling, try the Coconut Magic Organic Coconut Oil.

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