Ep 51: Rachel Larsson: Meet with a holistic gut health expert!

Welcome to Talking Clean with Irene episode #51. In this episode, Irene talks about all things gut health with Rachel Larsson, a holistic gut health expert.
Jul 27, 2021by Nourished Life
As a qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist, Rachel facilitates meaningful change in others wellbeing through increasing awareness of mind, body, and spirit.

We hear so many different things everywhere on what we should and should not eat - so many different schools of thought and diets promoted everywhere. Let’s get clear on why it is important to listen to your gut.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

● What is the microbiome and why we can’t leave without it.
● Where can we find genuine information today about gut health?
● What are the most basic principles and small changes super easy to implement in your daily life (fibre, variety, herbs & spices) to feel better?
● What is wrong with gluten?
● What are the signs our gut is trying to tell us something is going wrong (skin issues, mood, nutritional deficiencies, abdominal pain, concentration)?
● What is the link between our gut and our brain?
● What is the link between our gut and our hormones?
● The difference between prebiotic and probiotic.
● The truth behind fermented food (kombucha, sauerkraut"¦) and their benefits.
● What are the tests available to make sure our gut is at its optimal level?
● What are the simple tests we can easily do at home to see what may cause incomfort?
● How do sugar and alcohol impact our gut health?
● What can we have for dessert?
● Is food combining really a thing?
● A deep look into rice as an ingredient and the best ways to cook it
● What is best between juices and smoothies?

The 4 key takeovers from this episode
If you don’t have time to listen to this whole episode, here are for you the 4 main advices Rachel shares with us, and bonus: super easy to implement!

1. Get your 5/6 serves of veggies per day
2. Managing the mind and gut connection is just as important as what you eat: being present and mindful while you are eating. Make eating time, eating time making sure you jump out of the stress mode.
3. Ask for advice and support. Visit your GP, a naturopath, or a nutritionist. Be reassured that eastern and western medicine can work together.
4. Come back to a whole food diet, cooking from home where possible leaving out refined sugar.

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