Ep 32: How the Beauty Chef's Carla Oates Pioneered Inner Beauty Powder

On this podcast ep, I chat to The Beauty Chef founder Carla Oates to learn more about GLOW Inner Beauty Powder & the powerhouse brand behind it. Listen now!
Mar 24, 2020by Irene Falcone
In recent years, The Beauty Chef products have taken the natural beauty world by storm. It’s not uncommon to find The Beauty Chef collagen or more gracing the top shelves of skincare and health enthusiasts across the country, and with good reason: The products really work!

Today on the podcast, the founder of The Beauty Chef, Carla Oates, explains exactly what makes her products stand out from all the other inner beauty powders out there. Have a listen today and find out why her GLOW Advanced Inner Beauty Powder is one of the best supplements for anyone wanting to transform their skin and get glowing from the inside out.

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Join us as we discuss all things gut and skin health, as well as the importance of inner beauty, lifestyle balance, and a diet rich in wholefoods. You’ll also get to hear Carla Oates explain the origins of her products and the links between our microbiome and our mental and physical health. The episode is a great way to get the full lowdown on collagen and post-biotics, and wrap your head around the true importance of gut health.

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Even as someone who’s been big on gut health for years, I’m always surprised to hear how exactly your gut and microbiome regulate everything from brain health to metabolic and skin health. The entire episode is such a fascinating chat with a dear friend, and I can't wait to hear what you guys think!

Key takeaways from this episode with Carla Oates include:

1. When you eat fermented foods, the nutrients become more bioavailable, as the bacteria has broken down the hard-to-digest proteins in the food.

2. A leaky gut is a cause of inflammation in the body and is linked to plenty of lifestyle diseases. The Beauty Chef GUT PRIMER Inner Beauty Support is a great option for this tackling this.

3. Maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle is one of the best things we can do to nourish our microbiome.

4. Gut health is connected to everything. 70% of your immune system is in your gut, and 90% of your serotonin (the ’happy chemical") is made in your gut.

5. Studies have shown that consumption of unfermented dairy is linked to acne, however fermented dairy is not.

Listen to the full episode for more information and handy tips, and subscribe to the Nourished Life podcast using your favourite app today!

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The Beauty Chef on Nourished Life

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