5 Tips Towards Improving Your Mental Health

Feb 10, 2022by
As someone openly struggling with a depressive disorder and anxiety, I spent a lot of last year trying to heal and understand myself. My depression was getting to the point where life seemed impossible, every day rolled into each other and it felt like I was walking through mud. It was the first year I started to get professional help, a proper diagnosis and start on medication for my illness.

But honestly, there is nothing that can replace taking your time to check in with yourself and look after your body, mind and soul - every day- in whatever capacity you have. Selfcare doesn’t have to be grand, but it helps, no matter where you are on the spectrum of mental health. It may not cure all your issues, but it supports your wellbeing and can lift you up, even just that 10% so life can feel more manageable. It also has the power to ground you, take you back into your body and out of your mind.

During my journey with very low mental health periods practising self-care in some way once a day gave me some clarity and space to breathe.

Here are my 4 go-to self-care tips and options along with my favourite Nourished life products.

1. Engage in practices which ground you, taking you out of your mind and into your body.
Some of my favourite ways to do this is taking time to do skincare, without rushing it, using your favourite products and using essential oils to ground you in the present moment and create a relaxing aroma. It could even be as simple as taking time to wash your hair and put care into it. You can even go outside have a quick 10-minute walk around the block. Whatever can bring you back into the now is a grounding practice. Remember that you don’t have to think, do or be anyone in that time ’ just live in the moment and completely experience it.

Some of my favourite picks for this are:
Mukti Deep Cleanse Antioxidant Masque
Life Basics Superfood Facial Serum
Salt + Glow Body Polish
Weleda Relaxing Lavender Body Oil
Fleurette Calm Balance Life Style Essential Oil

Make sure no matter what weather you are prepared with sun protection; this is my go-to:
Sunbutter SPF 50 Water Resistant Reef

2. Take time to do something for you
Set out a particular time for yourself that is achievable and realistic, it can be every day or once a week. Know that when that time arises it is YOUR time, prepare for that in your mind so you are completely ready to shut off in that time. An example could be every morning for 10 minutes you sit in your backyard and have your favourite tea, smoothie or coffee. This is where you completely focus on yourself, without distractions. It could also be taking time to respond to your needs, if you need to have a relaxing bath, allow yourself that. If you need to slow down that day, allow yourself to rest. Doing these things without judgement.

Nourished life products that are my favourite when taking time for myself are

Salt + Glow Bath Tea Be Still
Amazing Oils Magnesium Sleep Lotion
Epzen Magnesium Bath Crystals Relax
Golden Grind Turmeric Latte Blend

3. Have a balanced diet.
A balanced diet can have an impact on your mental health. Getting all the nutrients that your body needs help prevent fatigue, symptoms of depression, anxiety or irritability ’ it's proven to have so many positive effects on the mind. Restricting or vilifying certain foods can create so much tension in the mind and body and often leads to a negative place. So, having a balanced diet that allows you to get all the nutrients you need, while also fixing those cravings is the best way to please your mind and body.

My foodie picks from nourished life are:

Mt Elephant Rise Apricot Nut Bar
Power Super Foods Acai Powder
Coconut Magic Organic Coconut Butter

4. Prioritise good sleep.
OMG, this has literally impacted my mental health journey profoundly. Sleep hygiene is essential when caring for your mind and body. When you have full nights rest your body and mind has time to rejuvenate, reset and take on the day with a more energised and positive outlook. Nourished life has the best sleep support product on the market, you can check them all out here: sleep support

My personal favourites are:
Eco Deep Sleep Trio Essential Oils
Weleda Relaxing Lavender Body Oil
Wheatbags Love Eye Pillow Banksia Sky
Pukka Night Time Organic Tea

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