4 Tips To Help With Body Acceptance

We spend so much time fighting with our bodies, focusing on the exterior and whether it fits into societies standard of ’beautiful" that we forget or sometimes even sacrifice the health and wellbeing of our interior: the system that works overtime to keep us here! Body acceptance is my favourite movement, it focuses on respecting our bodies and not living at war with them. Appreciating our body for all it does for us ’ blessing us with the ability to live, enjoy and experience life.
Feb 10, 2022by Nourished Life
An example of body acceptance that summarises the concept for me is, remembering that my legs take me places, regardless of if they rub together, have cellulite or chafe in the summer. Still continuing to feed my body nutritious meals and movement with love, because I want to keep going to more places and because I accept it for all it is, and all that it does for me.

Igniting body acceptance and starting that journey can seem daunting, it’s not easy to wake up one day and be like ’oh I accept my body now", especially after a long history of self-criticism, harmful diets and behaviours. But here are some tips that have helped me connect to my body, and start the process of accepting it, respecting it and appreciating it"¦ or even taking it a step further and falling in love with it.

1. Exploring my body and how pleasurable it can be
There is so much shame associated with self-pleasure, especially as women. But exploring your body and just how good it can feel can be so empowering and cultivate an appreciation for it that we may not have had before. Focusing on the feelings your body gives you, the enjoyment it helps you experience, can really shift your perspective of it and also how you treat it. Some of my favourite picks from the Nourished Life sexual health section would have to be:

Noosa Basics Organic Intimacy Oil: Vegan and made in Australia, this product won the 2021 wellness award for people’s choice. It has a beautiful blend of certified organic oils, does not cause any discomfort, is safe for delicate areas and has a beautiful velvety texture.

We Vibe Melt:This product speaks for itself. Tt surrounds one of the most pleasurable parts of the female body, the clitoris, in pulsating waves and gentle suction to get you heart racing and feel the blood pumping through your beautiful and wonderful body. Helping you fall in love with NOT just the product but how your body can help you feel so good.

2. Fuelling your body with healthy food and supplements
Nourishing your body with healthy and fulfilling foods helps to increase your source of energy and immune system. Showing you just how capable, strong and special it is because it gives you the opportunity to experience life to your fullest ability.
Some of the best natural nourishing products are:

WelleCo THE SUPER ELIXIR™ Daily Greens Refill

Key benefits:
● Promotes gut health
● Detox and reduce bloat
● Enhances energy levels
● Support healthy immune system

Supercharged Love Your Gut Powder Capsules

Key benefits:
● Helps keep your gut clean and microbiome fed
● Helps boost nutrient absorption by increasing cell permeability
● Delivers over 70 minerals & trace elements
● Assists in balancing & energising cells
● Enhances your cells use of electrolytes and antioxidants
● Strong negative ion charge helps increase absorption of key nutrients and vitamins

3. Listening to your bodies needs
Forming a relationship and connection with your body can be life-changing. Does your body feel tight, sore, tired? Does it need to move and feel more alive? Listing to its needs and responding to them can have a positive impact on your mental health and wellbeing and give you a newfound respect and appreciation for it.

My favourite way to connect to my body is by meditating using essential oils. They allow me to focus my mind on my body’s needs, release tension, rejuvenate or help me know what I need to do next to help my body be its best.

My picks of essential oils are:

ECO. Pure Geranium Essential Oil: Geranium helps not only lift your mood but ease tension, stress and restlessness, giving you the clarity you need to connect mind and body.

4. Taking time to care for your body
Taking time to care for your body can seem like such a simple task but it is often something we rush. When we really engage in treating our bodies with love and give ourselves time to care for it, it starts to show us all it is capable off. Your skin may start to glow different; your body may ache less, it may feel softer or smell nicer, all things that contribute to how good you feel in your skin. They can shift your perception and confidence, having an unexpectedly huge impact on your acceptance.

The nourished life websites has a broad range of natural body care being able to cater for any of your needs: body care

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