Why Drinking More Water is so Important for Our Health

If there's one thing we need more of, it's water! It might seem silly, but the inconvenient truth is, most of us just aren't drinking enough water!

Jun 07, 2021by

A massive amount of Australians are often dehydrated without even knowing it, myself included. Drinking enough water is an essential part of being healthy and is often forgotten during colder months.

Why do we need to drink more water?

Since a large portion of our bodies is made up of water, we must consume enough water to function at an optimal level. Water helps regulate our body temperature, remove toxins through perspiration and regulate bowel movements.1 Water is also vital for lubricating joints and protecting the brain.1 Drinking water also plays an essential role in our daily functioning. Staying hydrated can naturally relieve fatigue, headaches and improve the skin's complexion.

As water circulates through our bodies, it supports the proteins, enzymes and cells, allowing them to function correctly. Water also ensures information is passed between tissue cells.

What happens if we don't drink enough water?

It’s crazy to think that 75% of Australians are chronically dehydrated.3 As we mentioned earlier, it’s common to be dehydrated and not realise it, as symptoms of dehydration take a while to present themselves. The first signs of dehydration are often muscle fatigue, dizziness, headaches and nausea. Other symptoms include cramping, rapid heart rate and decreased performance.

Different types of water

Mineral Water: Mineral water comes from a spring and contains many beneficial minerals, including calcium and magnesium. Due to its contained natural gases, mineral water is often effervescent.

Soda/ Sparkling Water: Soda or sparkling water is regular water that has been infused with carbon dioxide. Carbonated water hydrates just as well as normal water; however, those with irritable bowel syndrome may experience bloating or gas.

Purified Water: The requirements for purified water are that impurities need to be reduced to no more than 10 parts per million. This is higher than regular tap water. Purified water has had chemicals and pathogens removed, but not microbes. Although purified water doesn't contain common hidden nasties, it often lacks the beneficial minerals our bodies need.

Spring Water: Spring water comes from an underground aquifer and is collected when it flows to the surface. It can be collected from a well or natural springs that form alongside hills and valleys. Like mineral water, spring water contains minerals but at a lesser concentration, which gives spring water a less intense taste.

The water filter I use!

When I'm working all day, a drink bottle just isn't enough, so I like to use a water filter jug instead! My recommendation? The Waters Co Ace 1.5L Alkaline Water Filter. This is such a handy jug to keep around the office or in your fridge at home. Unlike many other water filters and jugs on the market, the Waters Co Ace jug does not use Aluminium Oxide to filter the water. The Waters Co Ace jug contains a multi filtered system with activated silver ionised carbon, alkaline minerals and magnets. These carbon style water filters can selectively remove dangerous contaminants from drinking water while also retaining healthy mineral deposits beneficial to our bodies. This filtration system ionises tap water and removes bacteria and odours, removing up to 99% of fluoride and impurities from tap water, leaving you with alkaline water. I personally have not found another filter on the market that can do this. Another plus? The filter in each jug lasts up to 24 months!

If you need a larger sized water filter for your home or workplace, Waters Co has two benchtop options: The Waters Co BMP 500 5.35L Bench Top Alkaline Water filter and the Waters Co BMP 400 Benchtop Alkaline Water filter. Both of these options are made from glass and feature filters with a 4-year life span!

Our biggest benchtop water filter is the Southern Cross Pottery Large Water Purifier, a ceramic stand purifier that holds up to 12 Litres! This purifier uses the Fluoride Plus Filter, which removes Fluoride, toxins and contaminants in drinking water, leaving only beneficial minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium. This ceramic purifier is excellent for large families, comes in various colours to match your kitchen, and each filter lasts for up to 12 months of use!

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Tip on staying hydrated

My number one tip for staying hydrated is to make sure that you always have water near you. I find that we are more inclined to drink water when it is sitting right in front of us! Every day, I fill up 3-4 large glass water bottles at a time using Southern Cross Pottery Large Water Purifier. I keep 1 bottle on my desk and the others in the fridge. I also add in the Beauty Chef's Hydration Inner Beauty Boost for extra hydration but mostly because it makes water taste so delicious!

For more information on the benefits of alkaline water, check out our blog post on that right here.

(Sources: healthyeating.sfgate.com, mindbodygreen.com, nuun.com.au, livestrong.com, Waters Co, NBC News ).

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