What You Need to Know About Baobab Fruit

Did you know that the Baobab fruit has more antioxidants than pomegranate, more potassium than bananas and more vitamin C than oranges or acai berries!
Feb 17, 2020by Irene Falcone

How to get Baobab fruit into your diet

PHOTO1_right The best part is how easy it is to get some of this into your daily diet. The Baobab fruit naturally dehydrates with the seeds in it’s own husk, so the only effort needed to process it is to pull out the seeds and grind the fruit pulp into powder ’ no freeze drying, no pasteurising, no concentration or heat extraction needed, which means minimal nutrients are lost on its journey from the tree to your kitchen.

Baobab's pleasant taste ’ tangy and tart, a bit like a green mango ’ makes a delicious addition to your morning smoothie, or goes well sprinkled on top of yoghurt for a super-healthy snack. You can even add it to your muffins or morning coffee!!

More on the benefits

Baobab is super high in Vitamin C, which is great for the skin. It is also a natural source of plant-based calcium, making it ideal for a vegan diet. It is also rich in dietary. Plus, because Baobab has such a high concentration of polyphenols, like antioxidants and flavonoids, it can help tame those 4pm chocolate cravings!


The Baobab fruit we source comes from South Africa and is certified by Eco Cert, so you can trust it to be ethically and sustainably produced. The harvesters are paid a fair-trade price for their baobab, and a share of their sales income funds many local community projects.


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