Bio-dynamics is an ethical and ecological approach to agriculture, food production and nutrition, a concept originating from Austria. It is about working with nature and not against it.
Austrain philosopher Rudolp Steiner first coined the term bio-dynamic in 1924 to encapsulate the healthy natural farming enviroment and encouraged the development of techniques to optimise natural systems and used lunar calender as a reference for timing critical activities." ̈ " ̈Bio-Dynamic farming focuses on healthy, alive, nutrient rich soils and a well balanced environment referred to as "enhanced organic" or "uber-organic".
Devotees of this "uber-organic" regime say that the best days for harvesting and planting are in accordance with whether the moon is in the ascendant (when a plant's sap rises to bring about vitality) or descendant (when the vitality is in the roots). For the other two weeks of the lunar cycle, it's open season on root vegetables.
Organic wine means that the vines gain their nutrition naturally and not with chemical or synthetic fertilisers. Bio-dynamic wines are grown in vineyards that must be organically certified first and then if bio-dynamic principles are added to the winery then the term bio-dynamic can apply." ̈
" ̈Organic and Bio-Dynamic wines can have no added preservatives just the naturally occurring sulphur dioxide which is from the grapes expelling the myth that organic wines will not last as long as conventional wines which can contain number of added preservatives.
Swapping conventional wine for bio-dynamic and organic alternatives is just one way you can help to cut out toxins like artificial preservatives in your life. At Nourished Life you can find delicious organic superfoods as well as bio-dynamic skin care to help you on your toxin free journey.
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What Does Organic & Biodynamic Wine Mean?
Bio-dynamics is an ethical and ecological approach to agriculture, food production and nutrition, a concept originating from Austria.