Vitamin C U Later, Problem Skin!

Question: How is the vitamin C you take in your supplements different from the kind you put on your skin? Answer: It's not! As it happens, ascorbic acid (vitamin C to you and me) works fantastically well when you whack it straight on your skin. Sadly though, many of the creams on the market containing vitamin C don't have it in a high enough concentration to make any difference to your skin. Read on to find out more...
Feb 17, 2020by Nourished Life
Question: How is the vitamin C you take in your supplements different from the kind you put on your skin?

Answer: It's not!

As it happens, ascorbic acid (vitamin C to you and me) works fantastically well when you whack it straight on your skin. Sadly though, many of the creams on the market containing vitamin C don't have it in a high enough concentration to make any difference to your skin.

We all know that if we stick lemon juice on a fresh cut it stings like mad. That's the vitamin C, you see. So, any vitamin C skincare product worth it's salt should tingle when you apply it. If it doesn't, it ain't working folks!

For an organic skincare option, try the products rich in Vitamin C. If you want to see a real difference in your skin. Studies have shown that in high enough concentrations, ascorbic acid can even help fix past damage to the skin. In organic skincare products, it may also lighten any hyper-pigmentation patches you might have going on - not to mention zapping zits.

And, guess what? You can use dry, powered vitamin C right on your skin for an instant hit at a very low cost. Look out for powdered L-ascorbic acid, rather than calcium ascorbate. You can dissolve it in a very oily face cream or vegetable glycerin and apply it immediately to the skin. Look out for the orange colour that indicates it is oxidizing and losing it's potency - you need to use it immediately, before this happens.

Give it a go next time you have a break-out or to lighten a pigment patch!

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