Top 10 Must-Have Essential Oils

Essential oils have so many benefits for the mind, the skin, the body and our overall sense of wellbeing ’ they're practically endless, but with so many scents to choose from, sometimes it seems impossible to know where to start!
Jan 01, 1970by Irene Falcone
Essential oils really are just that ’ essential! Whether you use them in a diffuser to fill your home with scent or apply them topically to the skin infused in a carrier oil, there's an essential oil to suit almost every need. If you want to lift your mood, relax, clear your sinuses or soothe a sore stomach, there is a pure essential oil for you. The trick is knowing where to start! To help, I've put together a list of my top 10 essential oils to make the process that bit easier for you.

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1. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus Oil is known for its potent antibacterial and antiseptic properties, often used in natural cleaning products to help kill bacteria and germs. A native Australian oil, Eucalyptus has a cooling effect on the skin when used in a carrier oil, and its invigorating scent also works wonders as a pick-me-up, given how energising it is.

2. Geranium

Geranium Oil's sweet, floral, slightly fruity aroma makes it a popular room fragrance for use in diffusers, while its freshness has been known to help relieve stress and irritability. Traditionally used to calm tension and anxiousness, it also works to help reduce irritation when applied topically.

3. Lavender

Lavender Oil is a popular choice for anyone wishing to soothe and calm the mind. With its deeply calming aroma, Lavender is known for its ability to help ease stress, relax both the body and the mind and encourage restful sleep.

4. Lemon

Lemon Oil is known as an essential oil powerhouse thanks to its antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This versatile oil can be used in household cleaning, on the skin in a carrier oil, or in a diffuser to lift the spirits with its fresh citrus scent.

5. Lemongrass

Not to be confused with Lemon, Lemongrass Oil has a distinctly different list of benefits. Lemongrass Oil is great for easing digestive issues and aiding an upset tummy when massaged into skin in a carrier oil, and when applied topically, it works wonders for naturally oily skin types.

6. Peppermint

Peppermint Oil is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities and, when blended with a carrier oil, can be used to help nourish dry skin. The powerful, icy mint scent is wonderfully invigorating, making it perfect for fighting fatigue and tension, stimulating mental agility and concentration.

7. Rosemary

Another great option for those needing a lift after a long day, Rosemary Oil has a herbal, uplifting and energising scent. This fragrant oil is also known to help relieve tension, and can be blended with a carrier oil to support oily skin types.

8. Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang Oil is perfect for really improving the mood thanks to its fresh, sweet and delicate fragrance. Ylang Ylang is great for soothing and softening the skin when applied topically, while the scent also works to target fatigue and promote restful sleep. It's also known for its aphrodisiac properties!

9. Sweet Orange

Sweet Orange Oil has a bright, citrus scent that can help to lift the mood in times of stress ’ perfect used in a diffuser. It also has potent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and aphrodisiac properties.

10. Tea Tree

A powerful antiseptic and antibacterial essential oil, Tea Tree Oil has a clean and fresh scent, perfect used for cleaning around the home, deodorising and deterring insects. The uses and benefits of Tea Tree are practically endless!

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