Top 10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a fantastic health supplement. But have you ever wondered what the difference between liquid and capsules is? To help you determine how Apple Cider Vinegar could benefit your health, I've put together this guide on the top 10 Apple Cider Vinegar benefits in liquid and capsule form.
Jul 07, 2021by Irene Falcone
Apple Cider Vinegar has a long history as a natural health supplement, an all-purpose internal tonic and even a cleaning product. You probably have a bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar tucked away in your pantry, just waiting to be used again. But what is Apple Cider Vinegar? What are the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar? What’s the difference between Apple Cider Vinegar tablets and raw Apple Cider Vinegar? For all these answers and more, keep reading below.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is made from fermented apple juice, which turns into alcoholic apple cider before becoming vinegar. Rich in beneficial probiotics, enzymes and antioxidants, ACV differs significantly from regular vinegar due to its nutritional properties, containing a wealth of good bacteria. As a result, unfiltered varieties of ACV are usually browner in appearance than the clear yellows of filtered versions, retaining much of its protein molecules, which are often referred to as the 'mother' for their rich, concentrated properties.

What Are The Benefits of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar?

1. Apple Cider Vinegar as a Health Supplement
Taken daily, Apple Cider Vinegar is excellent for that boost of energy, even if only from its 'refreshing' taste! Best taken diluted with water, it can help to soothe a dry throat, kickstart your metabolism and discourage the growth of harmful bacteria.

For a multipurpose Apple Cider Vinegar, I cannot go past the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar. So much so, I believe it should be a staple in every household! It's Gluten-Free, Certified Organic and Non-GMO. It’s so versatile; it can be used for practically everything from cooking to washing your hair.

2. ACV Salad Dressing
Tangy and tart, Apple Cider Vinegar also makes a deliciously zesty salad dressing. Mix a small amount with some Olive Oil and drizzle over your favourite leafy green salad for a revitalising kick that's good for your digestion too.

3. Cleansing and toning with ACV
Thanks to its astringent properties - cosmetics that clean your skin and close pores - Apple Cider Vinegar also makes a great facial cleanser, toner and acne treatment. Apply a small amount to a cotton pad or muslin cloth and gently massage it into the skin to leave the skin feeling clean and refreshed.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar hair rinse
Ideal as a treatment for dry and dull hair, Apple Cider Vinegar can help restore shine and bounce to each strand and encourage healthy hair growth. Dilute the ACV with water and run through hair from roots to ends in between shampooing and conditioning. Don’t forget to rinse well!

5. ACV as a natural all-purpose household cleaner
The cleansing properties of Apple Cider Vinegar also make it a fantastic ingredient in natural cleaning. Mix one part ACV to two parts water in a spray bottle, then add your favourite essential oils for scent. Finally, spray and wipe down surfaces like kitchen benchtops and counters.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets

For those who find Apple Cider Vinegar a bit too strong to consume as a liquid, you can still reap the benefits in capsule form! The Frank Simple Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules are ideal for anyone who doesn’t enjoy the taste, making it easier and more convenient to consume ACV. These capsules are made from raw Apple Cider Vinegar with its mother culture retained, dried into a powder at low temperatures to promote good bacteria.

Another great option is to get your ACV daily dose eating the yummy Frank Simple Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies or Goli gummies. Each gummy contains 500mg of Apple Cider Vinegar in a delicious chewable gummy form; the tastiest way to get your daily ACV fix! Just two Frank SImple gummies will give you the equivalent of one shot of apple cider vinegar, making them an easy way to incorporate this naturally fermented superfood into your daily diet.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar for digestive support
While Apple Cider Vinegar tablets can be taken with or without food as desired, it can be beneficial to take them before each meal to help boost your digestion and ensure your food goes down smoothly. Take one capsule with water before each meal.

7. Promote good gut health
Packed full of probiotics, ACV promotes healthy gut function by replenishing the digestive system with good bacteria, supporting the body's natural processes by cleansing and detoxifying. ACV flushes out build-up and can even get a sluggish gut moving again.

8. ACV to encourage glowing skin
In tandem with a healthy gut, your skin can actually benefit from the nutrient-rich properties of Apple Cider Vinegar too. Read more about the link between gut health and skin.

9. Weight management
The jury is out on whether or not Apple Cider Vinegar can actually help you to lose weight. Nevertheless, ACV can help curb your sugar cravings, subsequently controlling your food consumption. If you’re feeling peckish, dilute some ACV in a glass of water for a tasty drink.

10. Immunity boost
Great for supporting immune health, ACV gives your body an even more fighting chance against the common cold and the flu. What’s more, Apple Cider Vinegar can help deter those pesky viruses by replenishing your immune system with a boost of good bacteria, which help ward off infection.

The Apple Cider Vinegar benefits are endless! If you want to embrace the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, then getting shopping with Nourished Life for all your raw Apple Cider Vinegar needs. Whether you’re drinking Apple Cider Vinegar with mother or popping Apple Cider tablets, Nourished Life has you sorted for all your ACV needs.

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