The Difference Between Whole and Refined Coconut Oil!

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between all of the coconut oils on the market? With so many to choose from, it's important to know which is best for you!
Feb 18, 2020by
I’m a huge fan of coconut oil because it has SO many uses. There’s not much you can’t do with it! Coconut oil can be used in cooking, haircare, skincare and even dental health. I’ve actually written an entire blog post on coconut oil uses. Although I’ve covered coconut oil quite thoroughly, I often receive questions surrounding the difference between the many types available! So what is the difference between whole and refined coconut oil? What makes coconut oil raw?

What are the different types of coconut oil

Raw coconut oil: Raw coconut oil is unprocessed and uncooked. This means that during the extraction process, the temperature can’t go above 45 degrees. Raw coconut oil also has the most nutritional benefits for the body.

Virgin coconut oil: Virgin coconut oil differs from regular coconut oil, as it is cold pressed. Virgin coconut oil is also higher in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fatty acids.1

Whole kernel coconut oil: Whole kernel coconut oil is made with the brown inner skin left on. This produces an oil less white in colour than regular coconut oil. Whole kernel coconut oil also has a higher level of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, which means it’s better for high heat cooking!

Refined coconut oil: Refined coconut oil is often made from coconuts that have been damaged or sun dried, which means that they need to be filtered, deodorised and bleached to be considered edible. The copra made from these coconuts is heated at very high temperatures to produce crude oil. This crude oil needs to be refined before it can be consumed. The result is a lesser quality coconut oil that has many health benefits removed. If clay is used in the filtering process, it may be considered certified organic.

When buying coconut oil it's important to look for certified labelling. Often manufacturers will blend cold pressed high quality coconut oil with refined coconut oil to cut costs. These products can still be labelled virgin, unrefined and even organic!!

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Coconut Magic
This raw, cold pressed coconut oil is a real multi tasker. You can use it for anything from cooking, to oil pulling, to skincare! In my opinion, this coconut oil is the best tasting on the market! It’s also available in a mini three pack which is a great way to make sure you always have some around when you need it!

How else can you use coconut?

Coconut Magic Desiccated Coconut
Desiccated Coconut is such a great addition to baking! It is made through a simple process of shredding pure coconuts. It has a natural, delicious aroma and sweet taste. The best desiccated coconuts are made without using high temperatures that affect the natural flavour. Fibre rich and free from anything artificial, this product is a must have in my kitchen pantry!

Power Super Foods Coconut Sugar
If you’re looking for a healthier sugar alternative, this is the product for you! Coconut sugar is a much healthier option and actually tastes like toffee! It’s also minimally processed and a very sustainable option for the environment. This is due to it’s low maintenance and high production of coconut palm trees.

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