How to add lemon water to your daily routine
To start with, aim for one glass of water with the juice of half a lemon daily. While cold water is fine, room temperature is better. If you’re always on the go, it’s worth investing in a reusable glass water bottle and a lemon squeezer! To ensure you're drinking filtered alkaline water consider buying an alkaline water filter like this Ace Pot from Waters Co which is designed to filter out up to 99% of fluoride. It can sit on your bench top in room temperature, just add tap water in and pour out filtered water ’ it’s almost too easy!
Home made vitamin water
Forget so-called ’vitamin waters’ which can contain artificial colours, sugars or even artificial sweeteners ’ fresh lemon water is the real deal. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, it’s the sugar-free version of store-bought water, and even a step up from normal filtered water. If you like the idea of giving your body a boost without making much of an effort, you can’t go past it!
The Benefits of Lemon water
There are tons of health and beauty benefits of lemon water ’ here are our favorite:
● Aids digestion. It’s no secret that good health starts with digestion, and lemon water gives your tummy a fantastic helping hand. On a biological level, lemon juice is similar to the stomach’s own digestive juices and flush out toxins.
● Supports wellbeing. Since lemons are so rich in vitamin C, they may help boost the immune system and ward off colds and flu. As if that wasn’t enough, lemons also may also help iron to absorb more quickly, which not only helps your body recover after a hard gym sesh, but is also key to a healthy immune system.
● Rejuvenates skin. Whether you’re fighting blemishes or dull skin, lemon water is one of the best things you can have in your beauty arsenal. Loaded with antioxidants, they help combat free radicals, those nasties responsible for the signs of ageing we all know ’ but don’t love! Its high levels of vitamin C might also help boost collagen production, which keeps skin smooth, plump and firm. If you’re still suffering from the odd blemish, drink lemon water to help keep your skin glowing and clear.
● Balances pH levels. Believe it or not, despite their acidic taste, lemons are one of the most alkalising foods for the body. As such, they may help to balance out pH levels, which is the fancy way of talking about how much acid and alkaline is in your body. An alkaline body is ideal for putting you on the path to optimal health.
●Helps keep us hydrated. This citrus fruit is a powerhouse when added to water and helps to maintain hydration. If we do not stay hydrated we can feel foggy and lethargic? No thanks! Since toxins are all around us, drinking lemon water will make a difference ’ after all, every little bit helps!
● Flushes out toxins. Lemon juice is an incredible detoxifier. First off, it’s a natural diuretic, so drinking it releases toxins quickly. If you’ve had one too many glasses of bubbly (organic, of course!).
● Aids weight loss. Let’s not sell this drawcard short! Lemons are high in pectin fibre, which helps to reduces cravings, meaning you’re more likely to lose weight over time. Sipping on lemon water is an easiest way to help get you there!