Natural Beauty Products Are Better!

The average Woman uses up to 15 beauty products per day, if these are your typical mainstream products, then that's an average of 120 random chemicals daily!
Feb 17, 2020by Nourished Life
The average Woman uses up to 15 beauty products per day, if these are your typical mainstream products, then that's an average of 120 random chemicals daily! If this isn't enough for you to encourage your BFF to make the switch to organic skin care and makeup, then we have some scientific backing for you!

An Australian report published in the International Journal of Chemistry compared natural beauty products to the chemical-based ones and determined that natural beauty products are better for your skin and the environment. Two of the key reasons are that natural skin care products contain more pure raw ingredients than the chemical based products and have far less side effects.

Now I know the thought of swapping everything in your makeup bag is totally overwhelming (and sounds expensive). So my number 1 trick is to sort through your makeup bag and pull out those products you use every day. Then just start by replacing those with a natural alternative. At Nourished Life we have a natural look-a-like for everything in your life, so feel free to call, email or Facebook me anytime if you need some help finding your perfect replacement!

Source: Madison 6/13, Go Vita 33, Journal of Chemistry Vol 1, No. 2

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