Manage Stress & Anxiety Naturally with Black Chicken

Feeling a little anxious or under the weather as the COVID-19 pandemic continues? Don’t worry: You’re not alone. During stressful or uncertain times like these, it’s natural for our bodies to respond in physiological ways that can put a strain on our immune and nervous system.
May 15, 2020by Irene Falcone
What’s more, the disruption of daily routines and the uncertainty of not knowing what tomorrow may bring can understandably take a toll on mental health.

To explain how to support your mental health and manage stress and anxiety naturally during these extraordinary times, we’ve partnered with Chey Birch, wellness expert, and the founder of Black Chicken Remedies. Renowned for harnessing the power of essential oils and natural ingredients to create formulas that support physical wellbeing and mental health,[Black Chicken Remedies] is our go-to for natural remedies that work. From calming essential oil blends to meditation, read on to discover Chey’s top wellness tips now.

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1. Choose the air you breathe

It’s no secret that your environment can affect your mental health, so take care to make your environment as healthy and pleasant as possible. Formulated with 12 remedial essential oils that have antibacterial properties, the Black Chicken Respire Essential Oil Blend is a refreshing blend that can boost your immune system and relieve congestion. Feeling anxious? Reach for the De-Stress blend instead, which can help calm your nervous system and relax the mind.

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Top Tip: For an easy-to-use aromatherapy solution you can take on the go with you, consider an essential oil inhaler.

2. Remove toxins from your body

Use our Copper Tongue Cleaner and Oral Swishing Oil every morning to draw out bad bacteria and other toxins that may strain your organs and immune system. Lightening the toxic load on your body in this way can support healthy cell and immune functions, which in turn can help you stay on your feet during stressful times.

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3. Protect yourself

For extra protection against germs and pathogens, regularly cleanse your hands with a natural hand sanitiser. The Black Chicken Hand Sanitiser is specially formulated with 80% Ethanol Alcohol to provide high levels of protection, and also includes nourishing Coconut Oil and essential oils that soothe skin throughout the day.

4. Meditate

Meditation is one of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety naturally, and can do wonders for your overall mood. Give your meditation sessions a boost and create a calming, uplifting atmosphere with the Black Chicken SkyPipe Essential Oil Diffuser. Meditating morning and night is a great way to start and end the day during these uncertain times, and can help you feel centred and ready to support your family and community.

Top Tip: Try using the immune-boosting Respire essential oil blend in the morning and the sleep-inducing Slumber blend in the evenings.

Harness aromatherapy scents for stress relief

During stressful and unprecedented times, it’s completely understandable to need a little extra support. Particularly if you’re feeling anxious or unsettled, now is a great time to explore aromatherapy and essential oils and discover the many benefits they can have on your mental and physical health.

Learn more about aromatherapy by visiting Black Chicken Remedies today, or head to our blog for more practical wellness tips.

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