Making the Switch to Organic Skincare

If you’re thinking of ’going green" with your skin care routine, it’s much easier than you think. We’ve done all the research, testing and hard work to bring you a careful selection of the best natural skin care in the world.
Feb 17, 2020by Nourished Life
When I personally made the switch to all-natural skin care, I noticed a change in the way I looked and felt almost immediately.

Going Green with Nourished Life

If you’re thinking of ’going green" with your skin care routine, it’s much easier than you think. We’ve done all the research, testing and hard work to bring you a careful selection of the best natural skin care in the world.

When I personally made the switch to all-natural skin care, I noticed a change in the way I looked and felt almost immediately. I had more energy and that ’brain fog’ was gone. My skin started to glow, my wrinkles softened, and people commented that my eyes were sparkling. As a bonus, I lost some weight, too! If you’re anything like I was before I started this journey, your bathroom cupboards are probably full of all sorts of lotions and potions. While I went cold turkey, I think the ’switch’ can be done gradually over two or 3 months. Every time you run out of a product, jump onto the site and buy a[natural skin care alternative]. It’s that simple!

If you’re looking to buy natural skin care in Australia, look no further. We’ve got products to suit every skin type and budget, so get clicking and wait for the compliments to start rolling in! And remember, if you have any questions along the way, the Nourished Life team is here for support.

What to look for when buying natural skin care

When you’re shopping around for natural skin care online, keep an eye out for certification logos as well as the words ’100% natural" or ’all natural". The best thing you can do is to familiarise yourself with the ingredients that will ’feed’ your skin, and the ones to avoid. As a general rule, the fewer ingredients, the better.

A+ ingredients

Have you heard the buzz about pomegranate, rosehip oil, zinc oxide, aloe vera and shea butter? There are some standout natural ingredients, and these are a few of then. Rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, vitamins and minerals, they’re amazing at nourishing and treating a range of skin conditions. They literally pour goodness into your skin. For a list of superstar ingredients and all the products we sell containing them, check out our ingredients directory.

The bad stuff

● Benzoyl peroxide ’ found in acne products, benzoyl peroxide strips moisture and can irritate the skin and eyes.

● Diethanolamine (DEA), Monoethanolamine (MEA) and Triethanomaline (TEA) ’ these foamy ingredients are major irritants and may also cause dermatitis-like symptoms.

● Dioxin ’ used in ’antibacterial’ products, dioxin has been linked to a laundry list of health problems, including nervous system disorders.

● Imidazolidinyl ’ this preservative can release a chemical called formaldehyde, which can prompt allergies, headaches, joint pain and skin reactions.

● Methyl, Propyl, Butyl and Ethyl parabens ’ used as preservatives to extend the shelf life of products, parabens are notorious for causing allergic reactions, skin rashes, and triggering hormone imbalances.

● Synthetic fragrances ’ any beauty products labelled with ’fragrance" are like drugs: you have no way of knowing what’s in them. What we do know is that they’re loaded with chemicals. Headaches, dizziness, rashes, respiratory problems and discolouration are all common side effects. Our advice? Pass on the scents!

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