I Quit Sugar Book Review

We are happy to announce that ’I Quit Sugar’ by Sarah Wilson is in the Nourished Life shop! Read my take on the book, which has been a key part in my own journey of quitting sugar, and a review of one of her fantastic sugar free recipes!
Jan 01, 1970by Nourished Life

I Quit Sugar by Sarah Wilson

We are happy to announce that ’I Quit Sugar’ by Sarah Wilson is in the Nourished Life shop!

This book was such amazing inspiration for me to quit sugar this year. Although I have not gone cold turkey, I have cut back by at least 80% (and with such ease too!).

With fantastic images, diagrams and colourful fonts Sarah Wilson straightforwardly teaches us about sugar addiction and its detriments to our wellbeing. I learned so many interesting things that I didn't know! For example.. did you know that fructose makes us eat more? Or that in 150 years our sugar consumption has gone from 0kg to 60kg a year? Or that my favourite sugar-free chocolate I get from the supermarket contains a natural sugar substitute that is actually a harmful toxin?!

After awakening you to this bad side of sugar, she then proceeds to walk you through a week-by-week detox with motivation and support. Written with care and empathy, you really feel like Sarah is there holding your hand for the journey.

The 'I Quit Sugar' book contains:

- Sarah’s personal story; her struggle and success in giving up sugar
- A detailed, motivational 8-week program that walks you through each crucial stage, week by week
- An easy to understand, colourfully depicted and relatable explanation of how and why sugar is making us fat and unwell
- A sugar replacement plan: tested + nutritionally sound
- 108 amazingly simple and beautifully photographed sugar-free recipes
- A sugar replacement shopping list

Whether or not you want to quit sugar completely, this book is an incredible resource for making us conscious of the detrimental effects sugar can have on our lives. I recommend this book for everyone to read as it really could change your life.

Our marketing co-ordinator Lucy stole the book off me to have a read and has promised to make one of the delicious recipes for us to nibble on in the office tomorrow. Watch this space...

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