Whether you’re a new Gem devotee or have been brushing with them since the beginning, you’ll notice they take the care part of oral care seriously. The products that find a home in your bathrooms and handbags are formulated with fastidious care, consideration, time, and expert guidance - and that’s why Gem’s ingredients are worth talking about.

Here’s a crash-course on everything you need to know about Hydroxyapatite:
While fluoride has great merit in teeth-cleansing and whitening, Gem introduced hydroxyapatite to their current formulations. Why? To focus on the remineralisation and strengthening of that precious barrier of tooth enamel. And what does this mean, exactly? Less tooth discolouration ’ aka, every vino-drinking and latte-sinking girl’s dream.
Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral our teeth and bones are made of. It is a proven safe alternative to fluoride (if you’re interested in trying something new). It’s also entirely non-toxic, so you know you’re only brushing with the best.
Hydroxyapatite has been the gold standard of oral care in Japan for 40 years. It is a biocompatible compound, translating to speedy absorption. This gets right down to the tooth’s root, penetrating the deepest areas of damaging decay and rescuing sacred enamel on any tooth surface.

Hydroxyapatite particles dive below the surface of the enamel, replacing calcium and phosphate ions in areas where good minerals have dissolved. This ’reminineralising’ we keep mentioning is essential enamel restoration, promoting the integrity and translucent glossiness of your smile. The result? Harder, stronger teeth, with a smoother and whiter surface. That’s inside-out revamping.
Gem have done their research, and one study published in the British Dental Journal found 10% Hydroxyapatite achieved comparable efficacy with 500’ppm F’ in remineralising initial cavities and preventing demineralisation in children. (Yes, you’re safe to share Gem with any nearby tiny humans). Another study published in the Journal of Dentistry found that toothpaste containing Hydroxyapatite revealed even higher remineralising effects compared to amine fluoride toothpastes.
The first medical application of Hydroxyapatite was actually performed in 1970 by NASA. At zero gravity, bones and teeth lose significant mass, so Hydroxyapatite was administered to returning astronauts in a bid to repair and remineralise their bones and teeth. If it’s good enough for NASA, it’s good enough for us!
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