How to Introduce Supplements Into Your Daily Routine

We all want to be filling our bodies with the[vitamins and nutrients] that we really need- but no matter how much time, effort and energy we put into maintaining a balanced diet, a great night’s sleep and a daily exercise regime (not to mention that elusive work-life balance), sometimes we need a little bit of extra help.
May 03, 2021by Nourished Life
That’s where supplements come in. Natural dietary supplements can help to boost our daily vitamin intake, as well as working to target even the most specific health and wellness concerns- there are supplements for hair skin and nails, supplements for gut health, collagen supplements"¦ the list goes on! With so many supplements on the market in so many forms (think powders, capsules, tablets and even gummies), you’re likely asking ’What supplements should I take?!" To help, we’ve put together this quick guide to some of the best natural supplements so you can choose the right option for you.

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Do you need to take supplements?

Supplements are a wonderful way to ’boost" your overall health. Sometimes it can be difficult to pack every single essential vitamin and mineral into your daily routine, which is where a great supplement comes in really handy. It’s important to remember, however, the supplements are supplemental! Whether or not you should be taking them depends on your personal situation, whether that be inadequate vitamins and minerals through your diet, through deficiencies or a number of other variables. Outside of that, there are many supplements that not only work to boost your overall health, but aid specific concerns- like superfood powders, immune boosting smoothies, energy and sleep aids and gut health supplements. When in doubt, we recommend consulting a health professional.

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Choosing the right supplement for you

Supplements come in just about every shape and form imaginable. From tablets, capsules and gummies to powders and even ready made smoothies and health beverages, there’s an option to suit every taste and every lifestyle. It’s important to identify what you really want to get out of your supplements. If you’re looking for an inner beauty booster, try a collagen supplement like Supercharged Food’s Super Nourished Hair, Skin and Nails powder (which is a Nourished Life exclusive and also contains the best-selling Love Your Gut Powder- one of the best supplements for gut health). For an overall health boost, try the Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies, or to increase your immunity naturally, opt for something like the Frank Simple Immunity supplement. There really are SO many natural supplements available, so you’re bound to find the right blend for you. Shop our complete range online now.

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How to add supplements into your routine

Once you’ve identified what it is you want from your natural supplements, it’s time to choose the right form of supplement for your lifestyle.

If you’re undecided, think about your daily routine. If you want to work supplements into your routine quickly and easily, an easily digestible tablet or capsule may be best for you.

Do you struggle to swallow pills (or do you have a sweet tooth)?! Then a supplement gummy might be the best option for you. If you love having a smoothie each day, then try working a powder or liquid supplement into your daily blend.

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For more tips and to shop the very best natural health and beauty supplements, visit[].

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