Golden Gut Egg Nog Recipe

Egg nog has to be one of my favourite holiday treats! It's warm, it's festive and the whole family loves it too. This year Lee Holmes (the founder of Supercharged Food) and I got to film some beautiful holiday cooking videos for you and Lee's healthy version of egg nog was one of them, so here's the full recipe!
May 10, 2023by Irene Falcone
Just in time for the festive holiday season, my gorgeous friend Lee Holmes ’ author, chef and founder of Supercharged Food ’ and I got together to film some fun cooking videos for you! We made some delicious goodies from the recipes in Lee's new book (coming soon so please keep an eye out!), and we also made one of my all-time favourite treats... egg nog!

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Lee's version of this traditional favourite is healthy, dairy-free and can be enjoyed by the entire family. It also contains the bestselling Supercharged Food Golden Gut Powder, a blend of Diatomaceous Earth and delicious spices ’ so it's good for us too! Plus it's got none of that added sugar in the bought stuff!

Golden Gut Egg Nog Recipe

Serves 6.

● 250 ml (9 fl oz/1 cup) coconut cream
● 750 ml (26 fl oz/3 cups) coconut milk
● 3 cinnamon sticks" ̈
● 1 teaspoon Supercharged Food Golden Gut Powder (plus extra to serve)
● 1 teaspoon vanilla powder or essence
● 5 egg yolks
● Spiced rum (optional ’ for adults only!!!)

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1. Combine all the ingredients except the egg yolks in a medium saucepan, stir gently until combined, then slowly bring to the boil over medium’low heat.

2. Remove from the heat and set aside to steep for 3’4 minutes, then remove the cinnamon sticks.

3. Whizz the egg yolks in a blender on high until frothy or whisk them.

4. Add the coconut milk mixture, then whizz for a couple more seconds or pour all into a shaker.

5. Serve warm or chilled, sprinkled with extra Golden Gut Powder on top.

Watch us whip up this delicious recipe below!

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