Everything about Eve Wild Woman

Eve Wild Woman is the newest perfume brand to hit our virtual shelves and we could not be more excited. Free of harmful compounds commonly found in mainstream perfumes, Eve Wild Woman fragrances are formulated using a base of cold-pressed Camellia Seed and Fractionated Coconut Oil. We spoke to their incredible founder, Olivia, to get to know more about what makes this brand so special in the clean beauty world.
Apr 21, 2022by

What made you want to create a natural fragrance?

I grew up in a very ’natural" household. My mother always believed in natural products. In a way, she was doing ’natural beauty’ and ’clean beauty’ long before those terms were coined. She would make a lot of her own remedies and cleaning products using natural oils. The older I got and the more I understood ’ and valued ’ my health, the more grateful I have become for my mother's emphasis on reducing our exposure to chemicals.

I’ve been a nurse for nearly a decade. It’s a great honour to care for people and I took the job very seriously. Probably too seriously. Because part of me was always getting frustrated by my patients, who were trying to heal and get out of the hospital, whilst at the same time lathering themselves up with products and perfumes filled with chemicals. One day, I was helping a new mother with her breastfeeding. She was wearing a fragrance that was really overpowering. I thought to myself ’surely that can’t be good for a three-day old baby to be breathing in'. That was the catalyst. I went home and immediately started researching perfumes. The more I discovered, the more horrified I became. I found that the fragrance industry was rife with secrecy. Nearly every brand was using synthetics and chemicals that were harmful to our health. Even well-known brands that claimed to be clean were far from it.

This is what sent me on a journey to create something I wanted to wear. At the time, I only really knew two things. Firstly, I wanted something that wouldn’t be harmful for myself or my patients. And secondly, I wanted to create a brand that although natural, was also very chic and feminine. That’s how Eve was born.

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How did you design the scents?

Scent design is a slow but really fun process. It’s very collaborative because I work alongside perfumers and chemists to make each scent just right.

I currently have six scents, and each one I feel is very reflective of moments that are special to me. I wasn’t conscious of it when I first started, but I realise now that scent design really is an art form.

My process starts with questions. What do I want to create? Who am I creating it for? What's the story I want to tell? What do these notes remind me of? What memories do they conjure?

As I am creating a fragrance, I also like to imagine people creating memories wearing my scents. I get excited knowing people wake up and put something on that I created. And I think because I know that the ingredients aren’t harming systems within their bodies it makes it extra special.

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What is the most popular scent for Eve Wild Woman?

They are all very close in popularity. Each stockist seems to have a different ’best seller". Most people find it hard to choose because they love them all.

If I had to name one, it would be Adore it’s beautiful and has 15 different types of Roses in it.

Check out the Eve Wild Woman range here

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