Ep 8: Are There More Chemicals in This Than Cigarette Smoke?

Ever wondered what's hiding in your perfume or cologne? Could inhaling perfume be worse than cigarette smoke?! This podcast episode is all about what's really in those synthetic fragrances, and why we should be making the switch to safer alternatives.
May 10, 2023by Irene Falcone
Have you ever experienced that horrible headache while walking through a department store? Ever felt nauseous from just one whiff of a stranger's perfume or a bathroom air freshener? Well, in this episode of our Nourished Life podcast, I'm talking to Vanessa Megan Gray, founder and creator of Vanessa Megan Skin Care, to find out why those awful synthetic perfumes might make us feel sick.

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Vanessa is an expert on all things perfume, having created her very own range of natural perfumes, which are of course completely non-toxic and free from the nasties found in mainstream fragrances. But just what exactly is hiding in those pretty bottles in the department store? For this episode of Talking Clean with Irene, the queen of natural perfumes is here to tell us why we should all be making the switch to toxin-free perfumes immediately, if not sooner!

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In this episode, we discuss:

™ Are there more chemicals in synthetic perfume than cigarette smoke? (1:58)
™ Could synthetic perfume affect pregnant women? (3:15)
™ Our emotional connections to scents (6:03)
™ What are some of the key ingredients to look out for in synthetic perfumes? (7:06)
™ If you have to wear a synthetic fragrance, where to spray it (9:07)
™ The new Vanessa Megan perfumes (11:39)
™ All about the different scents and what they might replace (12:56)
™ How our bodies "get used to" certain scents (14:33)
™ What are the aromatherapy benefits of essential oil-based perfumes? (16:23)
™ The natural revolution ’ the "new normal" (18:19)
™ Will natural perfumes ever reach mainstream department stores? (19:07)
™ Why are Vanessa Megan perfumes alcohol-free? (20:37)

If you loved this podcast episode, please subscribe and leave me a 5-star review in Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast app ’ it really helps me reach even more people. Together, let's make toxin-free living mainstream!

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