Dry Body Brushing: Fab or Fad?

Dry body brushing has been causing quite a buzz lately ’ and it’s no wonder why...
Oct 20, 2020by Jess Harris
Dry body brushing is easy, effective, and has a ton of health benefits, and best of all, it only takes five minutes a day. It’s well worth the investment.

If you want to look after your health and beauty, your skin is the best place to start. As the largest organ in the body, it’s a busy bee when it comes to circulation and detoxification. It also absorbs up to 80% of what we put on it ’ think makeup and skincare products ’ so it needs a little tender loving care.

Enter dry body brushes

PHOTO3_leftThese brushes work the lymphatic system, a network of tubes that help to drain fluid (called lymph) from your body. The lymphatic system is incredibly important in filtering out bacteria and managing the amount of fluid in your body. So by dry skin brushing, you’re getting rid of unwanted fluid and toxins ’ who doesn’t want that?!

The benefits

For something that takes a couple of minutes a day, dry body brushing has some amazing benefits:
● It increases circulation and breaks down toxins, and has been proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
● It helps to shed dead skin cells, resulting in smoother, brighter and more radiant skin. Think of it as a super exfoliator.
● Because it gives the lymphatic system a helping hand, it can actually rev up your metabolism and may help your body get rid of toxins more effectively.
● Along with smoothing skin, brushing can make your muscle tone look more defined.
● It unclogs pores, which means all the beautiful organic skincare you’re buying from Nourished Life will absorb much better!
● It’s a relaxing, almost meditative practice that can really set you up for the day ahead.

How to do it

All you need is a good quality brush, toxin free brush (available from the Nourished Life shop). The lymphatic system is just under the skin’s surface, so you don’t need to press hard when you’re brushing. Start with your feet, and work in long, light strokes up the body. Always brush towards your heart, and try to brush the same area four or fives times. If your skin is sunburnt or feeling a little sensitive, be gentle or save dry body brushing for another time.

The best time to body brush is right before your morning shower ’ don’t forget to moisturise with organic coconut oil afterwards. Go on, try body brushing for two weeks and see if it makes a difference to how you look and feel. We bet it will!

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