Biologi Serum Results

If you are not sure which Biologi serum you should choose, this next blog contains everything you need to know about which serum is best for each skin concern, as well as some amazing results and feedback from you!
Jan 01, 1970by Irene Falcone
I have to say that when I first discovered Biologi I had truly never seen anything like it in organic skin care. These amazing serums are so unique ’ they are actually 100% active, water-soluble pure plant serums, not oils! We answered all of your FAQs in our Biologi Skin Care Q&A with Lucy, but I really wanted to share with you some more information on which Biologi serum is best for your skin type, as well as some incredible Biologi results and feedback.

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Best Biologi serum by skin type

Acne prone skin / oily skin
According to Biologi, problematic skin types should opt for the Bd Luminosity Face Serum because it helps to reduce the inflammation and redness that comes from breakouts. The tartaric acid naturally found in the face serum is a gentle alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that is great at smoothing out the texture of the skin, exfoliating and improving oil flow.

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Keratosis pilaris
The Bd Luminosity Face Serum is great for keratosis pilaris on the back of the arms as it can help treat this skin condition with AHAs and keep it hydrated. The tartaric acid is an AHA, and the serum itself contains strong moisturising factors so it is the perfect serum to apply to the back of the arms.

Eczema / dermatitis
The Bk Rejuvenation Eye Serum is perfect for any small areas of mild eczema/dermatitis, such as the face or small patches.

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Anyone with pigmentation concerns should use the Bk Rejuvenation Eye Serum on their whole face at least three times per week. This should be paired with the Bd Luminosity Face Serum ’ use the Bd serum every single morning and then at night time alternate the Bd and the Bk. For example, Monday night ’ Bd serum, Tuesday night ’ Bk serum, Wednesday night ’ Bd serum, Thursday night ’ Bk serum and so on.

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Dry skin
The Bf Hydration Body Serum can be used in so many ways for dry skin types:
● It makes an amazing hand cream, especially for those who suffer from dermatitis on their hands
● Incredible for soothing and repairing the damage that sunburn causes
● It can also be used as a lip balm
● An awesome hair serum because it contains tryptophan, an amino acid which can help repair damaged hair (from colouring or heat styling).

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Biologi serum reviews

"The Bd serum is my saviour! I’ve had keratosis pilaris on the backs of my arms since I was at high school and no products would make it go away. I use the Bd on my face and randomly tried it on my arms. It improved it so much overnight that I've kept using it and now it's pretty much all gone." ’ Sophie

"A saviour in a bottle! Earlier this winter the skin around my eyes was dry, irritated and inflamed. After just a few days of using the Bk serum I noticed an amazing improvement. 2 months on, not only is the skin around my eyes soft, hydrated and happy, my fine lines from dehydration have disappeared!" ’ Caitlin

"What blows me away most is how Bk deals with sun damage! Kissing it goodbye!" ’ Suzie

"This is by far one of my favourite products. I had pigmentation under my eye that couldn’t be treated with laser and this has totally reduced the appearance of it. LOVE IT!" ’ Shelley

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"My baby would have eczema flare ups in the usual places. The neck, elbows, behind the knees, face, and some around the belly and back. He would constantly scratch, which meant he would wake up constantly during the night (so would I), which would make him very tired as well as myself. I also had to continually cover his hands with mittens. I was prescribed cortisone and steroid creams (Advantan, Elecon, Dermaid, Hydrozole), however I was concerned of the use on my baby who was only 5 months old. We also tried using fractionated coconut oil. We love how Biologi is a natural product, with no fragrances or harsh chemicals. We feel like we have a product we can use that is part of his daily eczema maintenance. We use Biologi Bf on his known eczema areas after his bath, and at times when we notice his eczema starting to flare up or if he starts scratching." ’ Zayra

Source & images: Biologi. Always read the label, use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.

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