5 Tips/Ways On Protecting Your Mental Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic

As we continue to social distance and make the move to a working from home arrangement following government and medical advice in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, our physical contact with others is at an all time low. Social distancing, while essential, can affect our mental health and be a source of anxiety and feelings of isolation- things that we need to take very seriously.
Apr 07, 2020by Irene Falcone
We want you to feel as good as possible despite the circumstances, and protecting your mental health is one of our priorities. To keep you on top of your mental health, here are 5 of our top tips to stay mental healthy and calm your mind while practising social distancing.

5 ways to stay mentally healthy while social distancing

1. Keep moving

A healthy body can aid a healthy mind, and maintaining your physical health is one of the most effective ways to mentally healthy. Exercise releases endorphins, which are known to improve your mood while you keep both your body and your mind strong. Make time to move your body mindfully every day, both to ground yourself and to stay fit while working from home. Yoga is a great way to achieve both of these goals, and can easily be practised at home and with minimal, if any, equipment, making it a great way to clear your mind and stay healthy while socially isolating.

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2. Meditate

Practising meditation is one of our top mindful living tips. An excellent way to soothe anxiety amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, meditation can help you to maintain a healthy daily routine and live ’in the moment." If you are a meditation beginner, a great way to start is by downloading a meditation app for your smartphone or device, or to watch a meditation tutorial on YouTube. To enjoy a multi-sensory experience and reap the full benefits of mediation, consider pairing your at home meditation practise with aromatherapy or essential oils.

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3. Practise mindfulness

Relaxing and practising mindfulness at home is possible without meditation. Maintaining your hobbies, like cooking, crafting, or making art, to the fullest extent possible is a great way to deal with stress and anxiety. Whatever you do, focus completely on enjoying the task at hand and make an effort to not let your mind wander- practising mindfulness is that simple.

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4. Stay in touch with your loved ones

Just because we are physically distancing doesn’t mean we need to be socially distant. Social distancing can be isolating for many people, particularly the elderly and those who live alone. Regularly check in with your loved ones and neighbours over the phone, via Skype, or using an instant messaging or video call app. Not only will this help maintain a sense of normalcy, but it can also provide comfort and prevent loneliness in vulnerable community members.

5. Limit your screen time

For many, social isolation leads to boredom and boredom leads to screen time. As tempting as it may be to regularly refresh the news and spend more time on social media, limiting your daily screen time is essential in keeping your mind strong. Social media and excess news consumption can exacerbate anxiety during this difficult period, and can also consume time that would be better spent on more productive, mindful activities. Where possible, try to use your spare time doing activities like exercise, getting out in nature (if it is safe to do so), spending time with loved ones, or practicing a hobby- all great ways to stay mentally healthy.

Maintaining good mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic is just as important as staying on top of your physical health. Our tips can help you keep anxiety and worry during this uncertain time at bay, and prevent feelings of loneliness and isolation. Get more healthy living advice and tips for overcoming the COVID-19 situation on our blog.

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