1. It won’t stain your clothes
This is one of the issues most people have with mainstream deodorants - they leave an unsightly stain under your arms, and some of them can even stain your clothes! This is one of the things about Axilla that makes it so different. The reason a lot of mainstream deodorants leave those awful marks is because they contain waxes and hardeners to bind the formula. As Axilla is a paste, so it contains none of those nasty, stain-inducing hardeners that could stain you and your clothing!
2. It doesn’t actually stop you from sweating
Okay, I know this is a bit of a strange one, but hear me out. It’s actually healthy to sweat! Sweating is a really important function of the immune system, allowing your body to release toxins and impurities. A lot of mainstream deodorants contain antiperspirants such as aluminium stop your body from doing this! This is not only stopping your body from doing what’s natural, but it can cause skin irritation due to blocked sweat glands, and other health issues as toxins aren’t able to be released from your body. Axilla has been deliberately designed to absorb sweat and neutralise odour, rather than interfering with your sweat glands.

3. It uses the power of Kaolin Clay
Heard of it it? It's an incredible ingredient that can help soak up moisture before you’ve even felt yourself break a sweat! Combined with the odour neutralising properties of sodium bicarbonate, Axilla will have you feeling completely dry and smelling like a dream.
4. It has incredible antiseptic qualities
A lot of mainstream deodorants will mask odour and stop perspiration, but they’re not truly keeping your armpits clean and free from bacteria. Axilla on the other hand contains the essential oils of peppermint, mandarin, lime, geranium, cajaput, clove and lavender which are all known for their antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic powers! This means your underarms will not only be odour free, but it will reduce the chance of irritated and sensitive skin.
5. It’s hand made"¦
Rather than being churned out by a machine in a factory, one of my favourite things about Axilla is that it is hand made. The creation process is intensive, with serious detail going into every element of the product. This means that you can be confident that only the best natural products will be going into the deodorant!
6. ...AND Australian made!
Hand-made AND Australian made?! This is a combination I’m a huge fan of. All of Black Chicken’s products, not just their Axilla Deodorant Paste, are put together in-house by the production team at Black Chicken Remedies at their facility in New South Wales, Australia. I’ve seen firsthand the love and attention they put into making each and every product perfect for you!
7. It’s all natural, but it won’t go mouldy
One of the things that often put people off buying natural products is the fact that they don’t contain the nasty preservatives that can give products a longer shelf life. The beauty of Axilla is that it contains the powerful essential oil of clove, which stops mould from occurring! Which brings me to my next point"¦
8.One jar can last over a year!
A little goes a long way with this paste. Although Axilla can last for over 12 months after you’ve removed the seal (and as long as 2 years once you’ve opened it), most people find that it lasts them 3 months with everyday use - a lot longer than most mainstream varieties!
9.It’s totally unisex
One of the great things about this deodorant is that it’s totally unisex! A lot of deodorants on the market are heavily scented for either women or men, but the scent of Axilla is appealing no matter what your gender! As an added bonus, I’ve actually found that this is a great product for men with hairy underarms (sorry, but they’re an unavoidable fact of life!)! Axilla is great because it just melts into the skin using body heat, so underarm hair doesn’t alter its effectiveness at all!
10.You can use it on your feet!
I think we can safely say I’ve left the weirdest fact for last, but this is an important one! Smelly feet is a common problem but now you have a natural solution! Thanks to its fantastic antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, Axilla is an amazing product to apply to sweaty (and smelly) feet. It’s highly effective when applied between the toes, soaking up sweat, neutralising odour and ensuring your feet are 100% free from any nasty bacteria or fungi! Please patch test first in case you are sensitive to bi-carb.● Oh and yes this product is vegan and free from palm oil!
So there you go! Some of my favourite facts about this amazing product! To find out more about picking the best natural deodorant for you, check out this blog post I wrote!
●It is important to note that some people are sensitive to bi-carb and can experience some discomfort when using deodorant containing this ingredient. If you experience any reaction please PM me on Facebook of send me an email through the website and I can send you back some easy solutions to help fix the issue.