Beautiful Guide To Organic Tea Blends

Have sleep troubles? Overindulged over the weekend? Want to look younger? Then these Organic teas from Edible Beauty are a must have! With so many detox teas on the market these are the best I have found. Read on to find the perfect tea for you!
Jan 01, 1970by
Sometimes there is just nothing better than a nice hot cup of herbal tea to fix anything. It is actually the combination of plants, herbs and flowers that work together to create these magical healing potions. We have teamed up with Anna from Edible Beauty to explain how these 9 very special blends work

No.1 Green Goddess Detox

This tea is a must have for anyone who has been indulging a little too frequently or who would just like to send their liver some extra love. St Mary’s Thistle and Dandelion Root are the super herbs in this blend. They work in three ways- to assist and enhance the function of the kidneys and liver in flushing accumulated toxins, to repair the liver cells from previous damage done and to protect the liver from future assaults. This tea also contains ginger which is the perfect digestive aid and has been shown to alleviate oxidative stress within the liver, which ultimately helps to support the liver in its cleansing action. Green tea which forms the base of this tea is rich in catechin antioxidants (ECGC) which are potent antioxidants known for their ability to ramp up the body’s metabolism and enhance weight loss. Lemon grass and ginger provide this tea with a refreshing and uplifting flavour which mask the medicinal properties of the herbal superstars in the mix.

No. 2 Fountain of Youth Tea

If turning back time is your focus then you need to be frequently sipping from the Fountain of Youth tea blend. This tisane contains a synergy of unique and potent antioxidants including white tea, goji berries, pomegranates and hibiscus to name just a few. Hibiscus has been used as a traditional remedy in many Asian, African and Caribbean countries for years. Hibiscus is high antioxidants, which fight cellular damage and support the immune system. The natural chemicals in hibiscus also are known to benefit cardiovascular health and increase energy production. Goji berries are true superstar berries of this tea blend. They contain all essential amino acids, are rich in antioxidants & vitamin C, have the highest carotenoids than any other food and have twenty-one trace minerals. Herbalists in China, Tibet and India have used the berries for thousands of years for increasing longevity. This tisane also contains the fruit ’superstars’ of anti-ageing, Papaya and Pineapple, which are abundant in natural Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s) and regularly feature in many anti-aging skin formulas. Papaya also contains papain, a natural enzyme that promotes skin renewal and cell turnover to provide an all over glow.

No 3 Sleeping Beauty

You will never need to resort to counting sheep again, as long as you have our No. 3 Sleeping Beauty tea at hand. This tea contains an array of botanicals which not only promote sleep, they calm the mind, reduce anxiety and treat restlessness and agitation. Passionflower is one of the star botanicals in this blend. It has been shown to help you mellow out by boosting the brain’s levels of a chemical called GABA, which lowers your brain activity thereby promoting sleep. Skullcap and Oat kernels are wonderful herbs for nourishing and replenishing the nervous system, promoting emotional well being and supporting relaxation. Skullcap is in particular effective in decreasing the occurrence of circulating thoughts. If getting to sleep, staying asleep and decreasing the power of circulating thought are your key concerns, then look no further than our Sleeping Beauty blend.

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No. 4 Golden Glow

A blemish free complexion is within reach with this tisane focused on alleviating the internal contributors to acne prone skin. This tea works across four levels to enhance your golden glow. Liquorice and Red Clover work to balance hormonal triggers for acne and blemishes; Cleavers and Burdock root are stand out liver supporting and hormone flushing herbs; Calendula promotes skin collagen production and heals and repairs skin tissue whilst Nettle nourishes and hydrates the skin. Despite its potent blood purifying properties this tisane is naturally sweet and easy to drink.

No. 5 Coco Chania Digestif

Allow your enthusiasm for chai to be reignited with this luxurious coconut and white tea variation on your standard chai blend. The power of this tea lies in the potent aromatics which define it. Cinnamon, Anise, Liquorice, Cardamon and Fennel are rich in volatile compounds which not only warm the digestive system, they work to soothe upset stomachs, heart burn and help to relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract to assist in reducing cramps and bloating. Cinnamon is the hero herb in the blend. It has a wondrous ability to balance blood sugar levels and curb sugar cravings which also makes this tea a dieter’s dream.

No. 6 Puff Away

This tea has been artfully blended with a combination of botanicals designed to sweep the kidneys and lymphatic system of any unwanted toxins, ultimately assisting in reducing any unwanted water which may be puffing up the eyes, face or legs/arms. Juniper berry and dandelion leaf work as powerful diuretics in this tisane. Dandelion leaf has been used by herbalists to support kidney health for centuries. It also contains key antioxidants including luteolon and caffeic acid which help to destroy harmful free radicals. The diuretic action of the juniper berry is attributed to its essential oils which accelerate the filtration activity of the kidneys. Guayusa is a unique herb which contributes to the cleansing and fluid reducing benefits of this tea blend. It has been used in the Amazon for thousands of years and is rich in nutrients including theobromine, a compound which reduces inflammation and blood pressure while also acting as a diuretic.

No. 7 Slim Me

White tea and Puerrh tea combine to make this tisane a wonder weight loss tea. Puerrh tea is a fermented black tea with strong cleansing properties and an unmistakably earthy and delicious natural flavour. In Traditional Chinese Medicine Puerrh is renowned for its ability to cleanse toxins from the body, quicken metabolism, lower cholesterol and aid in weight loss. Puerrh tea has become best known, however, for its ability to inhibit an enzyme complex called fatty acid synthase (FAS), making it a potential anticancer and anti-obesity agent.
White tea contains the same types of antioxidants as green tea, but in greater quantities. These potent antioxidants have been found to have many potential health benefits, including boosting cardiovascular health, lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of cancer and enhancing weight loss. Studies have found that white tea’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may also slow the breakdown of the skin’s elastin and collagen, leading to younger, healthier looking skin. This tea has a delicate earthy flavour, making it a wonderful alternative to coffee.

No. 8 Energise Me

Guayusa tea and a powerful trio of adaptogen herbs make this tea an energy boosting and stress busting wonder drink. Siberian Ginseng along with Withania and Rhodiola are included in this tisane to help the body deal with stress, stimulate the immune system, increase energy and reduce fatigue. It has also been shown to stimulate concentration and improve memory. You will no longer be turning to coffee once you experience the benefits of Guayusa tea. This tea has been brewed like tea by indigenous people in the Ecuadorian Amazon for thousands of years. Guayusa contains 90 mg of caffeine per cup, making it the second most caffeinated plant on earth next to coffee, but with more health benefits. Guangzhou also produces a smooth, sustained energy without the crash and jitters often associated with other caffeinated drinks. The tea also contains L-Theanine, an amino acid which produces dopamine, the hormone responsible for producing feelings of wellbeing. L-Theanine calms the mind while increasing alertness, focus, and improved memory and learning abilities.
This tea is infused with the refreshing taste of spearmint.

No. 9 Tulsi Immune Fire

This is a must have in your medicine cabinet for tackling any signs of colds and flus as they emerge. This blend contains Tulsi also known as Holy Basil which is considered India’s miracle immune and nervous system herb. Holy Basil is an excellent antimicrobial herb which means it efficiently protects our body from all sorts of bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Vitamin C, Vitamin A, phytonutrients and the essential oils found in Tulsi, are excellent antioxidants and protect the body from free radical damage. In traditional Indian medicine system Holy Basil is considered as a tonic to retain youth and avoid aging. Recent studies have shown that the leaves afford significant protection against stress and are nourishing to the nervous system. Tulsi, Echinacea and Elderberry along with Yarrow make this blend a potent immune fighting and protective medicinal blend. Yarrow is one of the most effective herbs in relieving fevers, shortening the duration of colds and flus and relieving cramps associated with hormones or illness. Yarrow also an astringent or drying action which makes it a wonderful decongestant. It also contains salicylic acid (a compound like the active ingredient in aspirin) and a volatile oil with anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful to relieve pain. This tea has a real zing with added ginger and chilli to boost circulation and clear blocked sinuses.

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