E-Book Review: Lee Holmes' 'Heal Your Gut'

’Heal your Gut’ explains in a simple, informative way the importance of healing, protecting and nourishing your gut.
Oct 20, 2020by Nourished Life
I hate any book that tells me that I can’t eat bread.

Until I read Heal Your Gut, the new e-book from Lee Holmes.

’Heal your Gut’ explains in a simple, informative way the importance of healing, protecting and nourishing your gut that will have you ditching the dough and reaching for the bone broth within minutes ’ not just because of the eye-opening research presented on how things like gluten, sugar and antibiotics can damage the body but because of the 50 mouth-watering recipes Lee has developed to make healing you gut delicious, easy and a little luxurious.

The perfect balance of references to personal experience, scientific research and medical studies makes for an easy, interesting and life changing read as Lee explains how the health of your gut directly influences the rest of the body from your brain, immune system, skin and vice versa.

PHOTO1_right I loved that ’Heal Your Gut’ takes you through a natural four-week protocol or ’healing program’ that holds your hand and gives step-by-step guidance on how to heal the gut and bring gut flora into balance in a totally achievable and dare I say ’fun’ way.

I say fun because my eyes kept flicking back to all the delicious recipes that I was bursting to try (by the time I got to the vanilla ice cream recipe, bread was a distant memory)

The natural four-week protocol is not scary and addresses the body as a whole including some great tips on self-love and living with flexibility and not rigidity.
Phase one is about how to heal the intestinal wall, phase two talks you through detoxing your body, phase three shows you how to introduce a healthy diet and phase four is about detoxing your life and why this is important.

I loved reading Lee’s personal anecdotes throughout too as it brought the message closer to home and made the process seem more achievable.

’Heal your Gut’ eliminates all the confusion and conflicting messages and simply addresses how to heal your gut in the most holistic way. I recommend this book not just to those suffering from gut related illnesses but to anyone who is looking for more energy, better moods, glowing skin and a healthier, happier life.


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